CFS2/CFS3 Black Ops King Air 350

Originally done by Barry Blaisdell for FS98 this King Air is now a terror for ground assault. Faster than fast and armed to the teeth. You need to download or make a panel to fly it. I highly recommend one with either a programmable GPS to program in the target location. The autopilot is set up to hold it at full throttle 100ft off the weeds and be rock steady. You need to understand that at this altitude and speed when you see something that appears to be taller than you are flying you need to pull up. The bmp that is in the gauge folder as well as the cfg file is a great start to a panel look to see if you have any of the gauges in either FS98 on up before you delete them and start new using CFG Edit.


Straightforward. Objects_DP into the Objects_DP folder of CFS overwriting as needed. Weapons to the weapons folder located in the Scenery DP folder of CFS overwriting as needed.
Aircraft to the aircraft folder. AS always do a backup first so if you are not happy or for some reason something doesn't work or whatever you hav a backup of your original file.

Sorry about the animation but this is the best that I can do with the way the model was set up. If you can ignore this then you will enjoy flying her. Also watch the G loads. This is a work in progress so as I add more to it in the way of effects and such i will uploaded them for all.


You know the drill. All files a copyrite of the original developer and may not be used in any commercial software pack or bundle without the original developers written permission. This aircraft works well on my setup and as such I am not responsible for any damage to any computor that this file is on.

Thanks to Barry and everybody else over the years for all that has been done to increase the enjoyment of our great hobby.
